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Writer's pictureIzzy Martens

Understanding Level vs. Intensity in a Vinyasa Yoga Class

As a yoga teacher, I have the privilege of leading two vinyasa classes each week: an Intermediate class on Tuesday and an All Levels class on Saturday. Teaching these classes has sparked a fascinating exploration into the distinctions between levels and intensity in yoga practice. In this blog post, we'll explore how these two factors play a crucial role in creating a meaningful and satisfying yoga experience.

Upward Facing Dog
Man doing upward facing dog in yoga

Understanding Level and Intensity

Traditionally, yoga classes are classified based on two main factors: level and intensity.

  1. Level: Level refers to the types of postures and the student's foundational knowledge of yoga. A level one or beginner class would typically include fundamental postures like downward dog, warriors, tree pose, basic folds, and gentle twists. In level two or intermediate classes, students begin to explore more advanced balancing poses, backbends, and some inversions and arm balances like headstands, dancer's pose, and crow pose. Level three or advanced classes introduce even more challenging postures such as handstands, deep backbends like king pigeon, binds, forearm stands, and full splits.

  2. Intensity: Intensity, on the other hand, is more about the pace and physical exertion in a class. It involves questions like, how quickly does the class move? Does it raise the heart rate? How many postures are practiced, and how long are they held? Intensity can also arise from muscle engagement and extended holds.

It's essential to note that when discussing levels, we are primarily focusing on the physical asanas. However, a student's advancement in yoga is not solely determined by the complexity of postures they can perform. It's a more nuanced journey that encompasses mastery of form, alignment, and breath, and can take many different paths.

The Intriguing Paradox

What I find particularly fascinating is that sometimes I receive feedback suggesting that my All Levels class feels more challenging than the Intermediate class. This paradox can be attributed to the fact that All Levels classes tend to be more "flow-based." While the foundational postures are not overly advanced, the class incorporates a continuous flow, often resulting in a cardiovascular workout. In contrast, Intermediate classes may introduce more challenging postures, but they can be interspersed with explanations, demonstrations, and student attempts, which can reduce the overall intensity level.

As a teacher, I'm continually striving to strike the right balance between level and intensity. In my personal teaching style, I aim for a moderate-to-high intensity level. However, in my All Levels class, my primary goal is to provide a wide range of options to accommodate students of all levels. This typically involves offering a base option, alongside more advanced variations. This way, both level one and level three students can coexist in the same class, each adapting the practice to suit their needs and preferences.

Understanding What You're Signing Up For

I believe it's crucial for students to have a clear understanding of what to expect in a yoga class. While labels like "beginner," "intermediate," or "advanced" can be limiting and not always indicative of a student's true level, class descriptions can serve as valuable guides. A well-described class can help students find the right class for their goals and needs, ensuring they have a positive and enriching experience.


In the world of vinyasa yoga, the interplay between level and intensity creates a dynamic and diverse landscape of classes. As a teacher, I'm constantly exploring how to navigate this terrain to meet the needs of my students. I encourage both teachers and students to reflect on how they approach the concepts of level and intensity in their practice. Ultimately, yoga is a deeply personal journey, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. It's about finding the right balance for you.

How do you think about the levels of the classes you teach? Feel free to share your thoughts with me in the comments; I'd love to hear from you!


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