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Up Then Down
Legs, Core

This flow will build heat in the legs, while you move in and out of interesting squat variations!

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High Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

You’ll begin this flow in high crescent lunge. You can get here from down dog, or stepping back from a standing position. Begin with your right foot forward, with a 90 degree bend in the leg. Your left foot is at the back of the mat and you’re on the ball of the foot. Your shoulders are stacked over your hips. Your left thigh is strong and engaged. Your arms are up by your ears and your fingertips are energized.

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Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Move into warrior II by grounding your left heel into the mat at a 45 degree angle and opening the hips, shoulders and arms. You might need to elongate your stance. Ground the knife-edge side of your left foot into the mat, and maintain the deep bend in the front knee. Keep your arms straight and strong, extending straight out from your shoulders. Gaze is over the right middle-finger.

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Start to straighten your right leg and drop your hips down towards your left heel, bending the left knee up towards the sky. Press into the heel of your right foot and allow your right toes to flex back. Engage the core to avoid sinking too deeply into the hips. Keep your spine long and bring your hands to heart center.

Side Lunge (Skandasana)

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Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Using the strength of your core, you are going to re-lift into warrior II. Rebend into the right knee, keeping the toes pointing to the top of the mat. Straighten the left leg and re-ground the foot into the mat at a 45 degree angle. Open your arms.

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Five Pointed Star (Utthita Tadasana)

Straighten into your right leg and pivot both toes to face the top corners of your mat, with your heels slightly in. Stand nice and tall. Raise your arms up over your head at a 45 degree angle. Maybe wiggle your fingers.

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Goddess (Utkata Konasana)

Keeping your toes out and heels in, bend your knees and sink your hips. Knees stay stacked over ankles. Shoulders stacked over hips. Bring your hands to heart center. Keep your spine straight and strong.

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Goddess with Heels Lifted (Utkata Konasana)

For an extra challenge, play with lifting your heels in goddess. Stay low in your squat and practice lifting one heel, lower it, then lift the other. Finally, lift both heels off the mat. Stay for 10 seconds. Sit even lower and breathe.

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Wide Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)

Lift from your squat and pivot your feet so the outer edges of your feet are parallel to the short ends of your mat. Engage your core. Hinge from the hips, lowering your chest between your legs. Keep both legs straight and strong.

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Easy Twist (Parivrtta Anjaneyasana Variation)

With an inhale breath, lift up halfway from your fold. Then, pivot to a low lunge at the front of your mat. Keep your hips level with your shoulders. Plant your left hand on the mat, inside of the right foot. Peel your right arm up to the sky, twisting from the mid-belly.

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Squat and Curl

Gaze down, and bring both hands to frame the right foot. Step your back foot to meet your front at the top of the mat. Inhale and lift the spine into a halfway lift, then, using the fingers for balance on the mat, start to sink your hips down to your heels, hugging your chest into your knees. Breathe here.

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Did you try this flow? Let us know your thoughts! 

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