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Mandala Magic
Strength, Hips, Quads

This mandala flow builds on classic postures, but pairs them together in a way that will have you moving around your mat. Build heat and have fun with this sequence.

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Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Start in warrior II with your right foot forward and your left foot back. Right toes face the front of the mat and the left foot is planted on the mat at a 45 degree angle. Your right heel should be in the same line as the arch of your left foot. Press into the outer-edge of your left foot and find a 90 degree bend in your right knee. Your hips and chest are open to the long edge of your mat, with your inner hips externally rotating and your shoulders relaxed. Your arms are spread wide, with your fingers energized. Your gaze falls directly over your right middle finger.

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Five Pointed Star (Utthita Tadasana)

Straighten your right leg and pivot your feet, so that the out edge of both feet are parallel to the short-ends of your mat. Lift your arms up on a diagonal line and spread your fingers wide. Take up space here, shining bright!

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Pivot your feet so that your toes point towards the top corners of your mat and your heels come in. Keep your chest upright as you bend your knees and sink your hips in line with your knees. Find a slight tuck of your tail bone and broaden through your collarbones. You can bring your hands to heart-center.

Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana)

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Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II), other side

From goddess, simply pivot your left toes to face the back of your mat, bend into your left knee and straighten the right leg. (You might need to adjust your stance slightly wider.) Open your arms and gaze over your left middle finger this time, finding yourself back in warrior II.

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Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)

Flip your left hand, so your palm faces the sky, and reach up and back with your left arm. Keep the bend in your left knee and continue to press into the long-edge of the right foot. Create a stretch in the left side body.

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Chair (Ukatasana)

Reach both your arms up to the sky and square your chest to face the short-edge of your mat. Keep the left foot where it is and then step the right foot up to meet the left. Sink your hips low, finding chair pose. Your toes can be together, with a slight space between your heels. Find a slight tuck of the tailbone to create a long spine.

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Arrow Lunge (Anjaneyasana Variation)

From chair, begin to hover the left foot off of the mat and carefully step it back. Maintain the deep bend in your right knee, finding a lunge position. Sweep your arms back behind you, palms face down or in towards the body, shoulders blades pull together. Hover your chest so it’s in a diagonal line, hovering above the right thigh. Press firmly into the back foot.

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Star (Utthita Tadasana)

Straighten both legs and stand tall. Pivot your feet so that the long-edges of your feet are parallel with the short edges of your mat. Straighten your arms in diagonal lines up by your ears, coming back into star pose.

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Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana)

Pivot your feet so that your toes point towards the top corners of your mat and your heels come in. Keep your chest upright as you bend your knees and sink your hips in line with your knees. Find a slight tuck of your tail bone and broaden through your collarbones. You can bring your hands to heart-center.

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Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Finally, pivot your right toes back to the top of the mat, and adjust your stance so that the left foot is back and planted on the mat at a 45 degree angle. Keep the bend in the right knee and straighten the left leg. Open the arms out wide and gaze over your right middle-finger. You’re now back in your warrior II shape. Make sure to do this flow on both sides. For added cardio, flow through this mini-flow with one breath per movement a few times to build heat.

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Did you try this flow? Let us know your thoughts! 

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